Metrowest Neurofeedback Training Report - Metrowest Neurofeedback
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Metrowest Neurofeedback Training Report

Please ONLY fill out the selections where you have a change to report. Thank you.


    Your Initials

    1. Trouble sleepingSlept better

    2. Less energyMore energy

    3. Anxious/NervousCalm/Relaxed

    4. More HyperLess Hyper

    5. Sad or downHappier/Feeling Up

    6. Got a headacheReduction of headache

    7. Poor concentrationBetter concentration

    8. Too jazzed upMoving in slow motion

    9. More tic behaviorReduction in tics

    10. Spaciness/cognitively 'foggy'More awake/alert

    11. Emotional discomfortFeeling of well-being

    12. Felt physically worseFelt physically better

    List any other noted changes